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Valkyrie Profile
Star Ocean: The Second Story
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time

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Genius Weissheit

The second son of the Weissheit family of technicians. He is renowned for becoming a Vereth Institute Professor at the young age of 16. He did much research bellow Radiata in a secret chamber which Jack stumbled upon while on a mission investigating noise complaints from many citizens. (The sounds themselves were caused by Genius's experiments.) He told Jack about how, through the use of ancient murals, he discovered that the end of humanity, and the world itself, was approaching.



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Did You Know:

  • That Radiata shares the same name as a group of animals, including Jellyfish?
  • The protagonist, Jack Russell, is named after the Terrier dog breed. His father's name, Cairn, is also a breed of Terrier, and so is his sister's name in the Japanese version, Airedale, which was changed into Adele in the translation.
  • Ridley Silverlake's mother is named Sigourney Silverlake. Sigourney Weaver is the name of the actress who played as the protagonist in the movie Alien, Ellen Ripley. The movie was directed by Sir Ridley Scott, Ridley being close to Ripley.

Improvement Drive
